The Timeless Apostle is a masterfully written novel that weaves together several genres, such as historical fiction, time-travel fantasy, and romance. This story written by Ken Urbansky journeys the reader through a passage of exploration about what was really going on in the time of Jesus using dual vision of modern day knowledge of the historical events overlaying a fresh living out of the ancient experience through the gift of time travel.
A young college drop-out from Ohio wrestles with faith as he is flung from his 21st century stalled-out life into 1st century Israel as one of Jesus’ twelve apostles. He inhabits the body of Thomas, but his own soul is within the ancient apostle as he re-lives the life of the disciple who was famous for his doubting of Christ’s resurrection.
The book illuminates what it must have been like for Jewish citizens, oppressed by the Roman empire, waiting for their promised messiah whom they believed would deliver them from the earthly oppression they had been living under for hundreds of years. As the reality of Jesus the ‘prophet’, the ‘healer’, and the ‘teacher’ unfolded within the context of this historical time-period, readers discover why the Jewish people of the day struggled to understand and accept Jesus’ words and His purpose in coming. They were hoping and praying for a rescuer that would start a revolt against their oppressors, rather than looking for a spiritual shake-up or a re-ordering of their faith in God. Encountering a savior for their souls was confusing and disappointing when what they really wanted was a political and military deliverer.
For Tommy, the main character, he had grown so accustomed to the stories of the Bible growing up in a Christian home that it had gone stale in his soul, but this time-travel experience stirs an interest in the life and words of Jesus. New and deeper meaning is given to the familiar stories he grew up hearing in Sunday School and church. He explores the idea of becoming a true believer and follower on this journey walking alongside Jesus and the other disciples throughout the three years of His ministry.
As the Christian reader journeys with Thomas, one’s own beliefs are shaped and polished by the unique perspective of living out the events unfolding in 1st century Israel alongside Jesus and those who walked with Him those three years. For non-Christian readers it will challenge them to consider Jesus in a way they may never have seen Him before. Regardless of where one falls in their personal beliefs, this story is a good read, provoking real insight about Biblical historical events.